February’s Pose of the Month: Heart Bench

How fitting for the month of love! This is truly such a phenomenal pose to weave into your practice and often times, a gateway pose for days when you’re not fully motivated to get things moving on your mat. I find that once I move into this pose, I start to sink, relax, and then I always feel like I want to move in more ways to get more openness and stretching in.

Some of the benefits of heart bench post are…

Improving posture: This pose will open the chest, but it also strengthens muscles along the back of the body and the shoulders. This combo is a powerhouse for improving your posture and getting you more upright.

Opening the heart chakra: Heart opening and chest opening poses help to open your 5th chakra, the heart chakra. This is a great way to open you up for more love and compassion in your life. Who doesn’t want/need that!?

Wake up your nervous system: Poses that stretch the back in this way help to circulate blood flow in the body and will then wake up your nervous system. This will give you a noticeable boost in your energy levels and mood.


  1. If you’re new to this pose, start with something soft underneath of your spine. Grab a bolster, a rolled blanket or towel, or even another rolled yoga mat.

  2. If you’re using blocks, take your time to get situated. You’ll want to stay in this pose for a few minutes, so comfort is key. Look into curved blocks (the three minute eggs are my favorite). These will fit along the back/body better and be more comfortable.

  3. Position your legs however you feel comfortable. I typically do a recline bound angle with soles of the feet together, but feel free to try a few options. Feet flat to the floor and knees bent, feet/legs crossed, or maybe even legs extended out long. Don’t forget, it’s your practice, so customize it to work for you!

Enjoy incorporating this pose into your practice this month and look for it in one of this month’s new classes!!




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